
What Right Wing Racism? "This Is How We Feed Animals"

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)8/29/2012 12:01:43 pm PDT

I don’t think it will have legs. Probably nothing on tape (partially assuming the peanuts were tossed from behind the camerawoman, not from in front of the lens while it was on.) So it then will quickly boil down to a verbal “he said, she said” thing - and that doesn’t sell since we already have a couple million talking heads about and the footage of a weatherman getting rained on by Isaac is going to appear more exciting.

They might be identified if security took their names while escorting them out - but there is probably some rules/procedure protecting the release of that information.

Besides, someone can have fun starting a rumor that the peanut throwers were a false-flag event planted by the Obama campaign.