
Who Better to Mock the Ridiculous "Flat Earth" Movement Than Lewis Black? [VIDEO]

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/26/2018 5:40:47 pm PST

re: #408 Blind Frog Belly White

The plant-closing news from GM this week, along with the hugely increased deficit which drives up interest rates, the Kashogghi murder, Russia attacking Ukraine again, and NK’s continued nuclear missile development program - all this has the feeling of turning a corner.

I kinda feel like we’re starting to see the wheels come off, with the flashy “accomplishments” all turning out to be illusory, because they were always stupid, but maybe not so obviously. Take North Korea, for example. CLEARLY, KJU played Trump like Isaac Stern played the violin, but to those not paying attention, it LOOKED like ‘Peace In Our Time’. Now the CIA assesses NK has ben developing their capabilities right along, and it’s becoming obvious to all but his idiot base that this is what happened.

Or the tax cut - it was NEVER going to do much, certainly not raise wages, but it made a splash, and allowed Trump to post a couple good quarters of GDP numbers from the ‘sugar high’. Now that’s faded, and the all-too-real deficit increase is facing us.

Trump is all about flash, appearance, and instant gratification. He’s about making a big impression and getting people to put in money. Then he takes his cut and moves on to the next thing. Later on, you find that he didn’t pay contractors, and screwed investors, and that THREE casinos in Atlantic City was a stupid idea.

He’s been doing the Presidency the same way - make grand gestures, make headlines, get praise. The problem is, there’s not a next project for him to move on to. Now his failures will start mounting. The economy will slow down, possibly even go into recession. That will drive the deficit even higher. GM’s plant closings will be followed by more and more as Trump’s trade war starts taking its toll. NK will keep building nukes and using the legitimacy Trump gave them, join the Community Of Nations as a nuclear power. Russia will keep picking at NATO. And Trump has already done what he knows how to do - hold a summit, sign a piece of paper, declare victory, and go home.

I do wonder if the economy starts to go south a little- I hope not but a realistic possibility given his policies, could we see the makings of a landslide? I think it’s vital not only to defeat Trump but fix his policies in a way that will prevent a future Trump type from taking over.