
Free Republic Freaking Out About the Coming of the Anti-Christ

calcajun7/31/2009 12:00:55 pm PDT

re: #410 Throbert McGee

And just to be clear, had the Dems run and won with two white guys, the Freepers would still be looking for tell-tale “Antichrist” clues. That’s just SOP for a certain segment of the far right — the same clowns who whine about how “it’s getting unsafe to be a Bible-Believing Christian in today’s America!”

And, as with similar histrionics from get-Whitey race hustlers and “won’t someone please think of the gay children?!” homophobia hustlers and the “I’m oppressed because the 50-dollar bills in my wallet say In God We Trust” atheism hustlers, the antics of the “Christophobia” hustlers are designed with one goal in mind: to scare people into writing a check.

If we’re all victims, then who are the perpetrators?