
Video: A Message From the Greatest Generation (NSFW)

Dark_Falcon10/31/2012 9:20:28 am PDT

re: #380 Reverend Mother Ramallo

They all need a cock punch.

It’s been awhile since I’ve done this:

[D&D crossover]
You can’t cock punch Mitt Romney or any other practicing Mormon for that matter. He has Special Item: Magic Underpants that automatically protect his penis against any melee attack. Moreover attempting a cock punch on Mitt Romney not only fails to injure him but also allows him to use Transmute Soul as a Free Action:

Transmute Soul: Usable at any time, takes 2 turns to recharge. +1 Difficulty to use

If the attack succeeds, target takes 6D^ Physic Damage and must make an immediate Saving Roll to prevent further damage.

1st Failed Saving Roll: Target takes an extra 3D6 Physic Damage.
2nd Failed Saving Roll: Target’s soul is sucked out of their body and transmuted into a large gold coin called a Soul Coin. The Soul Coin is worth 10,000 Gold.

See Fate of Transmuted Souls for more details on Soul Coins.
[/D&D Crossover]