
Oscar Night Open

Walter L. Newton2/28/2011 8:08:09 am PST

re: #407 garhighway

I’m not sure what your evidence is, but if you can show me a comparable hole on our economy to use as a control and compare to, I am dying to hear it.

The non-Keynesian argument seems to be “you did stimulus, it didn’t work in the first 15 minutes, therefore it failed”, which doesn’t seem to me like a terribly powerful argument.

I get that the electoral math has changed, and therefore BHO is being a smart politician and reacting to it, but I think it is the wrong economic course.

I think a good metric in measuring the pros or cons of the stimulus and whether or not it was effective would be simple. As soon as the Dems stop blaming Bush for everything from the economy to the condition of the toilets in the White House, at that point we can start deciding if the stimulus had the desired effect that we were promised.

In that case, when pigs fly.