
Jon Stewart: Leader's Digest

Cato the Elder7/30/2010 5:31:03 pm PDT

re: #302 JasonA

Remember the old days, when checks used to bounce? Now it seems they let it go and charge you an extra $34…

Lucky sonofabitch.

My “bank” charges me $37 dollars if I miscalculate and my “balance” goes under zero. Even by $0.01.

As of August 13, the “banks” are supposed to give you the choice between letting your overdraft for a fucking hotdog go through (earning them a “convenience” charge (read usury) of $30+) or declining the purchase.

And guess what? Every time I call my “bank” to get my “balance”, they interrupt that program to offer my the choice.

“If you want to keep getting reamed up the ass for $37 every time you don’t have the cash: press 1. If you have any any questions, please call (spoken quickly so you can’t write it down) 1-800-FUCKMEPLEASE or go online to so you can decline to be further fucked.”

The “banks” HATE these new regulations from the goddamn Obama socialist rgime.

I’m cryin’.

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