
Misogyny Is a Winning Formula for Mike Huckabee

unproven innocence1/29/2014 11:14:12 am PST

Sort of on-topic, then.

A few years ago, my niece was a victim of domestic violence. A broken jaw was just one of her several injuries. Treatments included prescription drugs for pain. This lead to addictions to some of them —including oxycontin —for which slut-shamer Rush got a slap on the wrist, and renewal of his multi-million dollar contract.

My niece wasn’t so lucky. When her prescriptions ran out, the addictions didn’t, so she was victimized again by our decades-long war on drugs. It’s my understanding that one of her X’s was pressured to participate in the entrapment/sting operation. After conviction, and serving several years in prison, she was released recently. She died yesterday. I’ve been informed it was apparently an overdose of something.

Just shoot me, Huckabee.