
Hundreds of Former NatSec and Foreign Policy Officials Sign Statement Calling Trump's Actions 'Profound National Security Concern'

Jay C9/27/2019 12:26:43 pm PDT

re: #26 Belafon

No, but I think he recognizes that Pelosi has the upper hand at the moment, and that if he just outright stopped the impeachment it would incriminate him more (and considering how much he’s bothered by MoscowMitch, he worries about that). What he’s got to do is find a reason to not hold the trial, and that involves making it into a complete partisan witch hunt.

IIRC, the Constitution specifies that the Senate “shall” try counts of impeachment returned by the House, so maybe even Moscow Mitch figures he can’t gin up a valid reason to sidetrack a trial. But I’m sure he would be pulling out all the stops he can to make sure the outcome is exactly what he wants.