
Video: The Ray Harryhausen Creature List

Killgore Trout7/01/2011 8:14:41 am PDT

Pam responds to the open letter demanding she ignore and apologize to the Nazis in the EDL….

I spoke to Tommy Robinson at length; he issued his statement to SIOA. Considering his statement, I am not withdrawing my support for the EDL, but I continue to be deeply concerned and will be watching how events unfold. Instead of working to purge the EDL of these vile elements, the signers of this Open Letter are trying to destroy those of us who seek to maintain the proper focus of our mission and the EDL’s mission, which is fighting for freedom. I support the EDL’s original mission, but we cannot sanction evil and cover it up. We should expose it to the sunlight, so as to ensure that the group stays true to its original mission, and so that that mission is not compromised. These Machiavellian bloggers ought to know that.

There is a struggle for the soul of the EDL. Which side do you come down on?