
Seth Meyers: Trump Visits Chick-fil-A as Court Rejects Delay Tactics in Hush Money Trial

Targetpractice4/12/2024 12:12:16 am PDT

re: #39 No Malarkey!

During voir dire the members of the jury pool are asked if they can make an impartial decision based solely on the evidence presented at trial. The judge isn’t going to allow Trump to strike for cause solely on the grounds of merely being aware of Trump’s legal issues. Also you may be surprised at how many people actually aren’t aware, except perhaps in the vaguest way. We are freaks; most people pay no attention to the news.

The average person knows that he’s been investigated, that he’s been charged, and that he’s going to trial. Some will know the names involved other than Trump’s, such as having heard of “Stormy Daniels” or Michael Cohen, but most couldn’t tell you more than a bare-bones summation of the allegations.