
Saturday Afternoon Music: Jimmy Wahlsteen, 'Tranquility'

HoosierHoops10/31/2009 7:27:32 pm PDT

Holy Cow..My poor little Doggie…He has never set with me during the World Series..I scream at every pitch.. I am a very loud guy..
He keeps jumping up and running across the room in fear…
I go..It’s OK Winston…He walks back just in time for me to scream.. You call that a F*cking pitch! And of course he runs away as fast as he can…
It’s ok Winston..I’m just yelling at the big screen..
He slowly walks back looking at me with deep suspicion…Damn it!
He runs away again… Poor little Winston…He has never lived here during basketball season either.. I may need to drug him just to save his life..Poor baby. *wink*