
6 Myths About the Confederacy, Debunked

Targetpractice6/26/2015 1:56:33 pm PDT

re: #37 HappyWarrior

Exactly. The CSA was founded for one purpose only and that was to protect slavery. Hell they even admitted it until it became impossible to defend slavery so we started getting the Lost Cause revisionist bullshit.

The “Lost Cause” business makes sense in light of items like the “Twenty Negro Rule,” which I thank Kragar for enlightening me of. If you think about it, after the first year, most of those serving the Confederacy were conscripts. Some may have joined up in the belief they were protecting their homes or their way of life, but I’d bet dollars to donuts most joined up because of the pay. So when you get stuck fighting a war you didn’t want, for something you didn’t have any real say in, and then when the war ends you’re blamed for the war, of course you’re going to deny any part in it and try to rewrite history to where you were blameless.

For a more modern example, look at all the “Good Germans” who popped up after Germany surrendered and the full horrors of the Holocaust became known. Or all those who tell us today that they had no part in Saddam’s regime, never agreed with what he was doing, and were just following orders.