
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's SIOA Listed As Hate Group

Nyet2/25/2011 2:35:47 pm PST

Quotes from JTF forum (uncensored, for which I apologize):

Senior JTFer
Posts: 316
Just another indication of whata sick kike nation Israel has become
on: October 17, 2006, 02:53:27 PM


Global Moderator
Master JTFer


Posts: 1852

Ask JTF for Sunday, November 14, 2010
on: November 06, 2010, 03:56:44 PM

Shalom Chaim,

1. Do you think it’s possible that the Head n***** In Charge, Barack Hussein Osama yimach shmo, may be a closet homosexual? I’m sure you recall that Larry Sinclair accused the long legged mack daddy of being involved with him in homosexual activity and illicit drug use. It’s entirely plausible that Osama may be a “down low brother” when you also consider the fact that black men have a propensity to be discreetly involved in homosexual activity while also having relations with females. What do you think?

2. What is your opinion of Spike Lee? I recently watched his “critically acclaimed” film Do the Right Thing and for me to say that it was utter nonsense would be the understatement of the year. Is this individual a “brilliant” director or is he just another worthless racist black?

3. May you share with us a recent close encounter with the Turd World?

You’re a gentleman and a scholar.

Kol tuv.