
Sunday Acoustic Session: Aoife O'Donovan

CuriousLurker2/28/2016 5:37:47 pm PST

I’m in a foul mood this evening, so I’m just gonna leave this here. I’ll page it tomorrow. Emphasis is mine:

Zayd, a 10-year-old American-born Muslim child: “Mama,” he asked, “if Donald Trump becomes the president, what are we going to do?”

Jalali, a 36-year-old who was born in Florida, asked what her son meant. He wanted to know if they were going to have to move.

“I was like, ‘Where would we move to?’ He said, ‘I don’t know, people just keep talking about are we going to move somewhere. I don’t want to live in Pakistan.’ ” […]

Ali Zakaria, a 51-yearold lawyer who came to the U.S. at age 15: “A lot of times, I question whether the U.S. is still going to accept me as an American who happens to be a Muslim. I didn’t have that question after September 11. I have this question now,” he said. “From a psychological point of view, that’s a big change.” […]

Sameera Omar, a 22-year-old psychology graduate: “What sort of political climate will my children be raised in? What type of environment will I have to walk through 10 years or 15 years down the line?” […]

Omar, who wears the hijab, said she is newly nervous walking to her car. She said she is more concerned, though, that Trump is fostering in Muslims a paralyzing apprehension about their own identities — the kind of fear, she said, that “limits where you see yourself in this country, limits the possibility of your achievements as a citizen, makes you doubt who you are as a person of faith.”

“It would be horrifying,” she said, “if this period of time was the catalyst for generations and generations of people who are not confident in their own skin.” […]

Congratulations to Donald Trump and the bigoted American assholes who are supporting him. They’re directly responsible for causing fear & uncertainty in the hearts and minds of millions of American Muslims. Innocent American Muslim men, women and children. “Make America great again?” Really, this is how you do it?

Reminder: This is not simply some political talking point or abstract concept to be to debated in an intellectual capacity, it’s something directly affecting real people every day in a very real way. It’s also potentially breeding a new class of disaffected youth who may very well end up feeling little loyalty to a country that is rejecting them on the most basic level through no fault of their own. It doesn’t bode well for our republic.

Later, lizards.