
Anyone for Windows 7?

NJDhockeyfan6/28/2009 9:52:00 pm PDT


Kristol: Barack Obama, Our Personal Trainer

Here’s how President Obama concluded an interview in the Oval Office today:

“But, look, I just think that what we’ve been doing over the last six months is getting people back into fighting trim. This is a town where there was just a belief that nothing could get done….I’ll use just the workout metaphor, and that is, you know, when you start training again and you’re pushing your body a little bit harder, sometimes it hurts. But if you keep on at it, after a while your body adjusts. And I think that’s what’s happening to politics in Washington. Folks have been sitting on the couch for a while, and now they’re starting to feel like, hey, you know what, I can run. And that’s why we’re getting stuff done.”

All hail our new personal trainer! Until he entered the White House, everyone was a mere couch potato.