
George Will's Climate Change Column, Part 3

kf2/27/2009 12:31:23 pm PST

There’s a lot of disinformation/distortions floating around from even the best intentioned “realists”/”deniers” (depending on your point of view). George Will seems to be distorting somewhat, and it’s a bit disappointing.

I would highly recommend that those interested in a scientific analysis of the situation to listen to lectures given by Dr. John Christy or Dr. Roy Spencer (both at the University of Alabama - Huntsville…should be able to find them on Youtube). They believe that the globe warmed in the past century, and at least part of it was anthropogenic (really, this is the “scientific” truth), but they are at odds with Hansen/Gore with regards to climate models (specifically vis a vis “feedbacks”), catastrophic climate projections and the idea that all or most of the warming can be attributed to humans.

The better informed EVERYONE is on the subject, the better informed our policy can be. I think the road we’re going down with Gore/Hansen driving the car could lead to some catastrophically bad results. They are salesmen/advocates. Hansen has long since ceased being a scientist.