
Photo of the Day: The Passing of the Torch

ObserverArt7/28/2016 8:41:36 am PDT

Just came across a article critical of the Dems and chiding them about not going with Bernie and don’t come crying if you lose to Trump.

Everyone has been warned!

(Sorry if already posted, I am not keeping up too well today…still fritzin’ with computer repairs and data backups in case y main machine decides to go south on me)

The Guardian US - If Hillary Clinton loses in November, it won’t be Bernie Sanders’ fault

If Hillary Clinton loses in November, it won’t be Bernie Sanders’ fault

When progressive delegates booed any mention of Clinton, some accused them of helping Donald Trump. But they aren’t to blame for a divided party

Democrats could lose the election this November: just watch Hillary Clinton being booed at her own party convention. But, if that happens, it won’t be the fault of Sanders’ supporters. No - the blame will fall on the DNC. They could have played to the future of our country and the economic vision we desire. Instead, they gave us “super-predator” Clinton and milquetoast, pro-banking Tim Kaine.

I had hoped Obama would deliver genuine economic change - but that didn’t happen. Before becoming a journalist, I even moved to Pennsylvania for a couple of months to volunteer for Barack Obama’s campaign. I was enamored by his intelligence and the beautiful ways he wrote and spoke about race. But I was also thrilled (naively) that Obama seemed to get his money from small donors, and that he might break Wall Street’s stranglehold on the Democrats.

I wanted Obama to turn his back on Bill Clinton’s disastrous deregulatory economic policies (that balanced budgets on the backs of the poor) and Hillary Clinton’s debts to finance. But, once in office, Obama offered no break from Clintonism: it was Clinton 2.0, with the veneer of hope that he’d be better on race.

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