
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

bofhell9/29/2009 3:45:22 pm PDT

re: #433 SixDegrees

First, this is a demand for a negative proof or Argument from Ignorance, a long-recognized fallacy. Second, it relies on the existence of a supernatural being of limitless power who exists completely outside the realm of rational inquiry; this places any discussion of such a possibility completely outside the realm of science, which relies on observation of the physical world and reason to arrive at conclusions which are consistent with those observations.

But is not the entire premise of religion that there exists such a being? [Or beings in the case of poly-theistic religions.]

The point I am driving it is we have physical objects that exhibit physical evidence of being a certain age. That’s great and I’m all for this, especially as an indicator of how objects will act moving forward. I find the debate PER SE about whether the object is actually 5,770 years old or 4.5 billion years old or whether man evolved from apes or G-d simply created man and ape silly, because the important question is not “How did this come to be” but “Where the h-e-double-toothpicks is this going to go?”