
Breaking! Many Ron Paul Supporters Aren't Republicans!

SanFranciscoZionist12/27/2011 2:42:35 pm PST

re: #42 austin_blue

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen a “911 was an inside job” and a “Ron Paul Revolution- 2012” sticker on the same car in Austin.

Fifty two degrees in Bedfordshire, UK today. Warmest Christmas season since 1920. Colder in Athens and Barcelona. It’s just weather, but I’ll take it! Going to Bletchley Park tomorrow. Alan Turing, code breakers, Enigma, and Ultra messages. Shortened WW2 by two to three years, depending on your historian. Neat stuff.

Good evening all! Hope you are well.

Turing was an astonishing man, who did so much for the world, and was treated so badly in return. Sounds fascinating—is there a museum, or an exhibit?