
A Banner Week for Right Wing Xenophobia

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/30/2010 12:40:26 pm PDT

Montana residents protest showing of Nazi film

Hundreds of Montana residents crowded around a library to protest a pro-Nazi film being shown by a white separatist group called Kalispell Pioneer Little Europe.

The Kalispell residents held signs reading “No Neo-Nazis,” and “No Hate in My Backyard,” on Thursday to protest the showing of “Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS,” which takes an admiring view of the Nazis’ combat arm during World War II.

It was the second film shown at the Flathead County Library by Karl Gharst, who on March 29 screened a movie debating whether the Jewish Holocaust really occurred. He says he plans to show another film, “The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz,” on May 29, and he plans other events for the summer.

The Public Library - home to who knows what, eh? Since Beck got his educatin’ at the public library, maybe he should scurry up to Kalispell to learn the difference between Nazism and Socialism.