
Tom Petty Tells Michele Bachmann to Knock It Off

Vicious Babushka6/29/2011 7:38:01 am PDT

re: #452 lawhawk

Dutch legislators infringe on religious beliefs by passing a ban on religious slaughter of animals.

The move would require that animals be first stunned before they are slaughtered; this would go against both Jewish and Muslim slaughtering procedures that require the animal to be fully aware at the time they are slaughtered.

It’s claimed that this is an animal rights issue, but it really goes to religious freedom - particularly since the stunning of animals is itself a distressing and cruel procedure to maximize animal slaughter at the lowest possible cost.

Why is “stunning” considered more humane than instantaneous severing of the carotid artery? “Stunning” requires shocking the animal with a big taser. Sometimes several shocks are required before the animal loses consciousness. What makes that more “humane” or is it just less messy?