
Seth Meyers on Betsy DeVos' Massive Rollback of Civil Rights

Targetpractice7/24/2018 10:07:53 pm PDT

So if I’m understanding the sequence of events right, it went:

- Existence of Cohen-Trump tapes made public
- Trump lawyers choose not to assert attorney-client privilege on said tapes
- Days later, snippets of tape where Donny demands payoff be made in cash are made public
- The White House (i.e. Rudy) rushes to release an “official” transcript of the tape
- Cohen’s lawyer responds to the WH transcript by releasing the actual tape to CNN
- Rudy immediately rushes to the press to assert the transcript is authentic, setting up a very public squabble over whether or not Cohen’s counsel is a liar

Am I really witnessing this level of stupidity?