
Overnight Ocean Thread

Fenway_Nation9/29/2009 12:16:48 am PDT

Scene from the next episode of Fenway & The Behemoth:

The Behemoth walks into the kitchen as Fenway is staring intently at a ballgame on TV or the MILF-tastic neighbor sunbathing. The microwave is on, but nothing’s in it. Next to Fenway is a box of pizza with just one slice left.

The Behemoth {grabbing the last slice of pizza}: What are you doing?
The Fenway {Hardly taking his eyes off of whatever has his attention as the Behemoth starts eating the last slice}: Just having the last slice of pizza for lunch.
The Behemoth: But didn’t you say you hated cold pizza?
The Fenway: Yeah…why do-? {Takes his eyes off of whatever’s held his attention and sees the Behemoth chomping away at the last slice before snatching the slice from Behemoth’s hand and throwing it into the microwave.}.
The Behemoth: It’s not like I paid for that or anything.
The Fenway: Yeah…well it’s not like I posted bail for you the last time you-
The Behemoth: Cripes…you gonna keep harping about that? It’s already been-
The Fenway: 48 hours? I know…