
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

Equable9/29/2009 1:41:50 pm PDT

re: #29 Alouette

Not much wool over here. I hope you get paid by impression, not by clickthrough or sale.

I click Charles’ ads as much as I can.

Sheesh - these fundamentalists don’t get it. I believe in intelligent design, but henceforth I shall never refer to myself as a “creationist”.

If any fundamentalist creationists read this, allow me to educate you.

1. God made the universe, and all the neato stuff in it.
2. If this is so then God made science.
3. If this is so, that makes God a de facto scientist.

Follow me so far? No? Okay…

4. If God made all of this neat stuff and gave us the capacity to think it over, deduce and use your free will to formulate an idea, isn’t it your charge as a “Christian” to say: “Wow God is great, lookit all this stuff - isn’t it cool how smart God is? Hey everybody, check this out”?

5. If your faith in God is unflinching and all the proof is there, shouldn’t you shut your mouth and STOP trying to cheapen God’s efforts and STOP trying to disprove his prowess as a scientist?

After all, chances are he’s a better scientist than you.