
Mayor Mike Bloomberg Apparently Targeted With Ricin Letters

Mattand5/30/2013 2:53:40 pm PDT

re: #487 Wargala

You must not have paid attention in history class. Real change comes through either the voting booth, or the gun in this country. Don’t have to believe me, read up on it.

And you say when things like “couldn’t happen”, you clearly haven’t heard of things like the Japanese Internment Camps, or perhaps the Dred Scott decision that said a black man is property, or any other number of instances where individual freedoms were trampled upon and not defended like they should have.

I do find it very funny that an entire host of people can’t see basic points I’m making like Matt who seems to think that I’m endorsing assassination, when I merely pointed out that everyone has a breaking point.

You all seem to relish being blissfully ignorant of the world around you.

I’d take your “Violence happens when liberties are taken” way more seriously if wasn’t for every TeaBagger and Libertarian screaming about how the Seekrit Mooslim in the White House has run a dictatorship since 2009.

These are the people who are screaming about “2nd Amendment remedies”. These are the people who think the Gubmint gonna get ‘em. These are the people who are itching for a replay of Fort Sumter, ever since an African American was elected President. And quite frankly, all you’ve done, at best, is go “Gosh, hope it doesn’t happen, but you know…

I’m also not the only here to pick up on that.

And some of your examples above don’t hold water. Where exactly was all of the violence the Japanese interment victims engaged in before, during, and after that whole mess? Oh, yeah, that’s right, there wasn’t.

The Rodney King riots are a prime example of what you’re talking about. However, that is a decades-long systematic discrimination of a segment of the US population. Your example of a politician ordering a hit on a citizen and their family is a paranoid fantasy right out of the Glenn Beck Remedial Coloring Book for the Reality Challenged.

So yeah, when someone comes strolling in here and goes “You know, if we keep pushing people, there’s going to be violence”, I’m going to call you out for that.

This country does have civil liberty issues it needs to address. The problem is that many of the people who are being “pushed” are racist, gun-obssessed paranoids who cannot deal with the fact their calendars don’t read 1953.