
Overnight Ocean Thread

John Neverbend9/29/2009 8:09:37 am PDT

re: #480 LudwigVanQuixote

Well I think that rules of manners for the year 3009 will have some things in it like this…

When meeting an alien species you are not familiar with and attempting to shake hands, only shake what is offered, do not shake just any appendage.

From Red Dwarf, where a human is trying to ingratiate himself with the leader of a group of Gelfs.

Lister: Cigar? (Takes out a cigar and places it in the gelf’s mouth) Cool Dude!

Kryten (the robot): (Quietly in Lister’s ear) Err, might I suggest caution sir, some gelfs have their sphinctral orifices in their faces.