
Video: On Manhattan DA Seeking Gag Order: 'Trump Is Telling Us Who He Is Now'

Yeah Sure WhatEVs2/26/2024 7:24:25 pm PST

re: #6 Joe Bacon ✅


Bullshit. Moscow Mitch is ALL IN with his fellow Putinista!

McConnell team in talks with Trump camp about possible endorsement

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) could be moving closer to endorsing former President Trump, a nod from an influential detractor that would serve as a powerful message for Trump.

Two sources familiar with the situation told The Hill that top lieutenants for the two GOP behemoths — Chris LaCivita, Trump’s campaign manager; and Josh Holmes, McConnell’s longtime top political hand — have held discussions in recent weeks about possibly thawing the freeze in their relationship and paving the way for McConnell to back Trump.

“We’ve reached the part of the primary where the party is coming together,” one source familiar with the discussions said.

“The absolute worst thing that can happen to this country is electing Joe Biden for four more years, and you can expect to coalesce around that point over the next nine months,” the source continued.

Hang on. I just read an article that said Chris LaCivita was no way no how going to give trump RNC money. Now he’s his campaign manager? What? The? Fuck??