
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's SIOA Listed As Hate Group

Nyet2/25/2011 2:43:25 pm PST

And here’s something relevant to history of LGF from the same forum:

Gold Star JTF Member


Posts: 10735

ENEMIES : Nazis & Islamists
Re: Charles Johnson is an idiot!!!
I am so happy to see that Charles Johnson, of LGF fame, has finally gone off the rocker… Once the poster-boy of the Right wing and anti-Islam message he now has swapped his morality for the religion of the left, progressive liberalism.

I was banned from his LGF forum almost 4 years ago… After I was banned I took up against Charles, the self-righteous fool, and started the LGFSUCKS blog… I knew that this individual was not stable, he is a G-d in his own mind, a self-made legend. He railed against me because he thought I supported the concept he labeled as ‘Creationism’ because I said that Hashem was the creator of the heaven and the earth. Charles is a dim bulb who is only able to get followers who propagate the echo-chamber of dull progressive ideas.

I hope that Charles is quickly forgotten and when he is sick and dying he will possibly do repentence, but I doubt it…

Charles, I apologize for reposting, but I think this is a badge of honor.