
Tom Petty Tells Michele Bachmann to Knock It Off

Summer Seale6/29/2011 8:01:22 am PDT

RE: North Korea

Don’t get me started. I probably have some of the most extreme views on the Hermit Kingdom in anyone you’ve probably ever met. Most people pale when they hear what I wish I could do as my life long work, but I think it’s because they haven’t really thought things through about how bad things are there. It’s one area of politics where my response becomes savage brutality, and I make no apologies for it.

In other news: I’m very happy that Bachmann is in because I think that the Republican Party needs somebody who can best represent the makeup of the party’s current ideology at the moment. Romney is far too educated, polished, well spoken, experienced, and even thoughtful (and I still wouldn’t vote for him) to truly represent what the GOP has recently become, so I’m all for Bachmann giving it a go and showing the world exactly what they’re all about right now.