
Video: Asking the GOP: When Was America Last Great?

silverdolphin5/26/2023 12:14:24 am PDT

re: #48 Targetpractice

“Many voters” are fence-sitting chickenshits who don’t want to admit that they avoid politics like the plague and their understanding of “extreme” is based purely upon what hack journalists like those employed at the New York Times tell them is “extreme.”

Historically, most independents were Repunlicans who did not people to know. They almost always broke to the GOP. But demograpically things have been changing. 2/3rds of eligible voters participated in 2020. Those under 40 vote for Democrats 2:1 over Republicans and will be the largest voting block in 2024, represewnting over 44% of the eligible voters.

Many of the under-40 appear to identify as independents (54%). But the reasons are different. Many are very progressive on social issues and do not like the Third Way democrats so often in charge of the DNC the last 20 years. They will likely break for the candidate who does something about climate change, protects LBTGQ communities, deals with student loans and housing issues. Only one party will do any of that for them.