
Massive Right Wing Fail of the Day: The Twitter Gulag

teleskiguy4/30/2012 6:15:04 pm PDT

re: #39 Shvaughn

These twitter shenanigans are tempting me to sign up.

It’s a good place to get 140 character quips from your favorite people or organizations. You can even try to “connect” with famous people, and sometimes they answer back. I commented to Charles (@Lizardoid) one time about how he was doing a good job exposing the kookery and racism that people like Breitbart and others were airing for the whole world to see, and just a few minutes later I get this in my feed:

@teleskiguy is me, by the way. Breitbart was nothing if not persistent in his ways. His frantic insulting style has done great harm to conservative discourse, but I digress.

I follow a lot of comedians, skiers, and a fair share of pundits from varied political stripes. Your favorite sports people, your friends, your favorite brand of shoes, your favorite music, it’s all there.

But, take Andy Borowitz’s (@BorowitzReport) advice when it comes to Twitter:

There is a fine line between social networking and wasting your fucking life.