
Colbert: All the Other Reasons Trump Is a Bad President (And There Are So Many) [VIDEO]

retired cynic3/27/2019 12:18:17 pm PDT

Martin Longman tends to write long pieces, but I have been following him for years, none the less. [grin] These two on the Mueller Report/Barr Whitewash I found good, but not terse.

William Barr’s Whitewash Cannot Stand

On May 9, 2017, President Trump fired James Comey. At that point, Andrew McCabe became the acting head of the FBI and, by his own account, immediately ordered a full counterintelligence investigation of the president to determine if he represented a threat to national security. On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein authorized the establishment of an Office of Special Counsel to look into “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).” He hired Robert Mueller to lead this investigation. According to McCabe, Mueller then inherited the counterintelligence investigation that he had just initiated.

He points out that Rosenstein’s 8-2-17 memo, R explained that he meant for the report to be publicly released.

He hints that he thinks Barr forced Mueller to quit midstream.

Very quickly after Barr assumed his position, rumors began to swirl that the Mueller investigation was coming to an end. Then word came out that there would not be any further prosecutions after Roger Stone. On Friday, the investigation was shut down.

The Real Mueller Report Hasn’t Been Seen Yet

Anyway, I know they are long, but I found some nuggets in there.