
And Now, an Amazing Performance on 12-String Harp Guitar: Alex Anderson, "Under a Starless Sky"

Targetpractice2/23/2017 7:52:02 am PST

You know, I might buy this whole “economic anxiety” business except for one thing: I remember the Great Recession, it wasn’t that long ago. Too much focus is put on Reagan and the mass exodus of jobs overseas, but I watched as millions of my fellow Americans lost their jobs and years worth of accumulated wealth practically overnight. People forced to live off savings, off retirement funds, off the generosity of their fellow man. And too many of these “woe is me” jackasses who now want me to feel bad for them were yelling things like “Move where the jobs are!” and “Learn marketable skills!”

Now all those who offered that “advise” are wanting the government to come and give them jobs so they don’t have to move out of their podunk towns or learn new skills themselves. Coal miners wanting the government to make mines hire them back, line workers hoping the government will create jobs for them at the local factory, etc, etc. All those “deficit hawks” who would bellyache at length about the “debt being left to their grandkids” now wanting the government to spend money giving them jobs.

Funny that…