
GOP Debate Thread 3: Trump to Hugh Hewitt: "Very Few People Listen to Your Radio Show"

KGxvi2/26/2016 11:02:02 am PST

re: #511 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Trump yabbing about SELLING INSURANCE ACROSS STATE LINES and how they’re going to wipe out all the arbitrary lines dividing states and….

Not sure the STATE’S RIGHTS people should be happy with this…

This is something I’ve never understood about the “sell insurance across state lines” that keeps popping up among conservatives (it was a Huckabee line in 2008, I think)… How exactly is it going to work, and what changes? If it’s based on the state where the insurance company is, then it’s just a race to the bottom. If it’s based on where the insured is, then it doesn’t really change anything because the insurer is going to have to meet the local requirements. In neither circumstance does it actually improve insurance.