
Video: John Oliver Digs Into Student Loans, And It's Not Pretty

No Malarkey!3/22/2024 12:42:07 am PDT

President Biden will have massively more money to spend on the campaign than Trump, the latest polls have him ahead or even with Trump nationally, and Biden’s approval rating is at its highest level in five months. Meanwhile, despite a terrible map, Democratic Senate candidates are running ahead of their GOP opponents, the GOP is broke, the Republican Study Committee decided now is the time to promote toxically unpopular positions such as raising the retirement age, voucherizing Medicare and banning IVF, Trump properties are on the verge of being seized by NY State, and, fingers crossed, Trump will soon be sitting in a Manhattan courtroom for weeks on trial for multiple felonies for which he only has legalistic defenses. All in all, I would much rather be the Democrats than the Republicans right now!