
Radiohead: Lotus Flower

palomino2/28/2011 10:09:06 pm PST

re: #529 ggt

Can we figure out how much this person actually takes home? What percent goes to taxes? Federal, state etc. This person has a different expense level as well. He/she can’t be seen driving a chevy. Country Club memberships are a must …. I’m not joking. Work get’s done at the Club, on the golf course etc. Benefits dinners at 20K a plate, the wife’s dress, hair and jewels. and on and one.

Dinner’s out, tips, they all add-up. As does paying cash for your kid’s Ivy League education.

How many people have jobs because this CEO is living the life he/she is?

I’m not defending outrageous salaries, I’m trying to put things in perspective.

It’s a lifestyle that comes with the job, it’s not always choice.

I just wish the pompous attitude didn’t come with it as well.

That’s all true, but would the CEO’s life change one iota if his tax rate jumped all the way from 36 to 39%?