
Photo of the Day: The Passing of the Torch

Targetpractice7/28/2016 9:37:57 am PDT

re: #520 HappyWarrior

And that’s another thing, they complain about how the DNC is “forcing” unity behind Clinton. Do we really think they’d be generous to be people with reservations about Sanders? But yeah as you say, it’s they think if you had just given us our way, all would be fine. And here’s the thing that some of the really naive Busters don’t get, Jill Stein would have started crapping on Bernie the same way she has Clinton. She’d find things in his record to make him out to be less than progressive. So, those Sanders voters who are flirting with Stein are in fact flirting with someone who would screw their candidate over in a heartbeat. What pisses me off are the types like Goodman who are pretty much going “Man I hope those Clinton supporters get what they deserve with Trump.” A lot of the people who will be negatively impacted by a Trump presidency are people who can’t even vote.

One of the questions I started asking Bros around the time Bernie began making noise about a “contested convention” and his campaign saying they’d court superdelegates was “What if he succeeds?” What if the DNC superdelegates came together, decided that Bernie was their best chance at the White House, and overturned the results of the primaries to crown him. How would they handle people like them, those Democrats who would spurn the party’s choice and refuse to vote for Bernie? Most refused to answer, but one pretty much said what I expected: “They’ll vote for Bernie because they’re afraid of Trump.” Not because Bernie has the better ideas, not because he’s the better candidate, but the very fear of Trump that they insist they won’t give into.