
The Door Opens (Update: The Door Shuts)

Slightly Drooling Love Child of Beck3/30/2010 2:56:45 pm PDT

re: #509 wiesman

Um, hi. I’ve checked a couple of times over the years, but I only started reading regularly when Charles denounced the right. So I guess you can figure out what that makes me.

It makes you one of those sick Gorebul Warmist Darwinist Nazi types!

Well let me ask you this mr. smart guy?

Carbon Dioxide contains Oxygen doesn’t it? That’s what Oxide means right? So how can it be bad to breathe it? And get this, I did some research and the “di” means two! We all know you need oxygen and this has two of them! You could have pure carbon dioxide and breathe that and you would be getting twice the oxygen of breathing in just one oxygen atom wouldn’t you?

Yeah explain that to me mr. scientist!