
Seth Meyers: Trump Tweets Racist Attacks on Elijah Cummings Amid Investigations

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/30/2019 4:23:28 am PDT

re: #54 Dr Lizardo


I figure we’re seeing the Pound drop because the markets have been, until the last couple of days, applying the rational actor model to the UK, thinking that eventually, common sense will prevail. Now, it’s really looking like the shit is about to hit to fan and we’re starting to see things moving in the currency markets.

After three years of watching the UK trying to play chicken with a freight train and still not figuring it out, some businesses are starting to conclude that this “Brexit silliness” is, in fact, a case of full blown insanity. The Pound will continue to drop as the probability of a no-deal Brexit crashout increases, maybe even going to below the Dollar and the Euro when it becomes an absolute certainty.

Yeah I think so too. Nationalism is going to really hurt us all in the long run.