
Veritasium: What the Prisoner's Dilemma Reveals About Life, the Universe, and Everything

silverdolphin12/23/2023 8:37:14 pm PST

re: #44 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

My feeling is the super-hero movie generation have been robbed of movies that matter.

Both Marvel and DC have made $$$ making movies in which stories and people can be rewritten with the snap of a thumb (Thanos’ thumb!)

And watching TV/movie reactions on Youtube recently has made clear to me that young people, almost all of them, have no basis by which to judge a creation other than “special effects”.

That’s all they seem to care about.

For all the money put into small screen and big screen productions these days, the great majority of them are just derivative and empty.

As it always has been. A goodnnarrative matters. The first Marvel movies did so well, IMHO, because they were really one long arc. I mean, several of the Capt’n America movies seemed like Avengers. And vice versa. When that arc was finished and Thanos was dead. No one really cared about the next step. And they just seemed worthless since the Multiverse changes ALL.

Barbie has hardly any special effects that were not practical, like in the old days. And almost half the people who saw it were under 22. And Oppenheimer also had very few CGI effects. Both did really well. SO I think a good script always wins.

Too often, high concept ideas (Let’s get all the various Spidermen or Batmen) together in one movie and have them battle their greatest enemies) are not a path to success. Having Batman fight Superman neesd to have a good foundation, something the movie ignored.