
Video: Jim DeMint Says Women Want Mandatory Vaginal Probes

The Ghost of a Flea7/01/2013 9:55:38 am PDT

Ohio Joins The War on Women, Redefines Pregnancy

Kasich’s budget, as the Toledo Blade reports, prohibits publicly funded hospitals from entering into so-called emergency care transfer agreements with nearly abortion clinics. Clinics need such agreements to care for patients with complications, and of the 12 clinics that provide abortions in Ohio, many may be forced to shut down as a result.

Another provision in Kasich’s budget requires that doctors who provide abortions perform a fetal ultrasound and require the mother to listen to or see the heartbeat. Doctors who fail to do so could be prosecuted. The budget redefines a fetus as “developing from the moment of conception” rather than when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus. (Most fertilized eggs leave the body before implanting, meaning many women who were not actually pregnant would now be considered to be have been carrying a “fetus” in Ohio.)
