
Iran to Obama: Your Offer Shows Weakness

Tigger20051/31/2009 10:32:22 am PST

And what’s worse, Obama is NO JFK … and our enemies damn well know it. JFK actually fought in WW2 and came under enemy fire. Obama has never shown a shred of character or courage in his life … just the ability to talk glibly and play dirty politics.

re: #15 MJ

Does history repeat?

…John F. Kennedy’s first summit with Nikita Khrushchev in June 1961 ended in disaster because Kennedy came like a supplicant. He first appeased Khrushchev with talk of how he had made a “misjudgment” over the invasion of Cuba, then made the astonishing (and erroneous) admission that Soviet military strength equaled that of the United State.

In the words of Robert Dallek’s definitive biography of the late President, Khrushchev “seized upon Kennedy’s admission of a mistake as an expression of weakness It exhilarated Khrushchev, who took it as another reason to press the case for superior Soviet morality in international affairs….”

Of JFK, Khrushchev later told his comrades, “He’s very young; not strong enough. Too intelligent and too weak.”
