
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

Randall Gross5/29/2009 9:33:33 pm PDT

re: #560 Phil.

I’m saying there’s a false dichotomy at work here. For instance, I don’t think Sotomayor is a racist but she did make a racist remark. You don’t build your tent by trying to having an intra-conservative name calling. You build the tent by blending the more conservative and moderate wings of the party and then pitching what you believe to independents.

We have the added benefit of knowing that independents agree with us on issues like limited government, federalism, budget deficits etc. Let’s start using that to our advantage.

No, not if it means toting DI idiots along for the ride. Had it with that. No. Not if it means toting jerks who pretend they are for the budget but who are really going to kill any chance of gaining Republican seats in populous states through spending more time on Socon issues than budget issues. That gets us the perma-lose. Not going there. No thanks.

Now I am done with you and your hijacking attempt. The beatings will continue until Socon morale improves.