
Trump: "Putin's Not Going Into Ukraine, OK? Well, He's There in a Certain Way."

Dr Lizardo7/31/2016 12:44:27 pm PDT

re: #25 Targetpractice

I’m expecting an epic breakdown when he loses in November. The man is not used to losing and when he does, he tries to sue his way to a win. So I would not be surprised if his response to a loss on Election Night is to file a lawsuit to effectively get the results thrown out.

Also, let’s all remember that Trump has long felt spurned by New York City’s “High Society” - something he very much wants to be a part of, as it would justify his feelings of superiority. That NYC’s Society Set looks down him infuriates Trump to no end; and when he loses, it’ll be even worse for him….he will become a laughing stock, the butt of jokes and if there’s something we’ve all observed about Trump, that is something he will simply not tolerate - he’s too thin-skinned and his ego is incredibly fragile.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised - not one damn bit - if Trump pulled up stakes and moved to Russia, or at least seriously considered such a move. Because he will be even more looked down upon by the Big Apple’s movers and shakers and his rage will go off the charts.