
Video: John Oliver Digs Into Student Loans, And It's Not Pretty

piratedan3/22/2024 1:15:25 am PDT

re: #53 No Malarkey!

There’s so much self-destruction going on right now within the GOP. In the last few months we’ve seen them go after recreational sex, IVF, Social Security and all of it completely unrepentant. We’ve watched them nominate odious people who are against everything from school lunches to women having the vote. People that have called for the public execution of nationally elected positions. People that call for the recuse of prosecutors for non-consequential affairs while ignoring issues of national interest by their own spouses. The fact that in certain cases, States can ignore federal law, unless that application of state law is somehow hurtful to Conservatives.

we’ve watched their phony Impeachment hearings, their Impeachment of current administrative officials without a crime and reneging their own verbal and written agreements on everything from foreign aid, Immigration and the national budget.

They still refuse to budge on guns and gender issues, abortion or damn near anything that could be seen in good faith and it appears that those that are not corrupted by a foreign power, are beholden to a religious/social outlook better suited to the 1840s.

They’ve gone so crazy that even the totally in the bag MSM is having troubles normalizing all of the bullshit despite their creative use of language and euphemism.

Just hope that we’re ready for what follows after we win, it’s putting all of these creeps back under their rocks at a minimum and those that need to be, in jail.