
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

Sharmuta5/29/2009 9:35:52 pm PDT

re: #574 coldwarrior

dead on. palin will be the Reagan redone, even if charles thinks otherwise.

the fun part of palin is that she caused my mom to become a gop activist, my dad, however, will not change his dem registration…he was a local union prez back in the day, vietnam vet, and has voted gop prez since 88 (oddly enough the same year that his son went over to west berlin…i think he voted for bush sr just to protect his lineage! /

She’s not going to win because she lacks a penis. I say this as a woman. NO WOMAN is going to win the White Hose for a very, very l o n g time.