
A Banner Week for Right Wing Xenophobia

Gus4/30/2010 1:23:19 pm PDT

More buffoonery. This time from Drudge linked Prison Plant:

Levin: SWAT Team Response To Oil Spill Is Government Takeover Plot
Former Reagan advisor suggests Obama is greasing the skids for nationalization of the oil industry

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, April 30, 2010

Radio talk show host and former Reagan cabinet advisor Mark Levin has slammed President Obama’s bizarre announcement that he will be sending SWAT teams to deal with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, alleging that the response is part of a plan to grease the skids for government takeover and nationalization of the oil industry.

In a move that has shocked and dumbfounded political observers in equal measure, Obama said yesterday the “Department of Interior has announced that they will be sending SWAT teams to the Gulf to inspect all platforms and rigs.”…

Levin alleged that the response was a precursor to government nationalization of the oil industry via the back door. “I think those SWAT teams are there in coordination with the attorney general’s office, the Interior Department, Homeland Security, maybe the EPA….to seize records at these sites and to lay the foundation for more government takeover,” he stated.

Levin added that he was stunned with the media’s nonchalant reaction at Obama’s flagrant abuse of power.

“It just stuns me that we’re sending SWAT teams to all platforms and rigs, not ecological experts, not various scientific experts, not engineers – we’re sending SWAT Teams – we don’t even send SWAT teams to the border….you don’t send SWAT teams to rigs in the middle of an environmental problem,” he said…

Mark Levin, that tin foil hat fits you well.