
Watch Live: Democratic Convention, Day 3: Night of the President

Pawn of the Oppressor7/27/2016 6:03:43 pm PDT

A Pro-Bernie friend of mine (who said his only plan between now and November was to drink heavily to dull the pain of… Something? I guess) “Liked” an article on a rather anonymous-looking website called “USA Politics Now”. This article claimed that a screenshot of an Excel spreadsheet PROVED that Hillary was trading post-election positions for donations… Because one of the donor lists had “USPS” next to a guy’s name, and this guy supposedly wanted a job in the postal service…

To tell you the truth, I think the whole entire website may be a construction of the Russians. Bland layout, generic name, all the writing was vaguely pro-Trump but not too much to seem obvious. It smelled of astroturf to me.

I know the Russians hire kids to troll forums and comment sections all over the world, a fake news website wouldn’t surprise me in the least.