
The Lessons of 'Climategate'

BigPapa2/28/2011 1:50:06 pm PST

In reading up on the Curry Dustup, Dr Benjamin Santer thoroughly debunks Steven McIntyre on his petty FOIA requests, and then some.

What it appears to me is guys like Santer, Dr Richard Alley, and Dr John Abraham, who would rather do science and not PR, need to go on PR campaigns against Inhofe, McIntyre, and Monckton.

They’re demeanor and grounding in actual science are the antidote to the idiocy and exploitation going on with the deniers.

Guys, I know you don’t want to do this crap. You want to do science. But… we need you. Everybody on the planet needs you. I hate to put it on you…. but I’m putting it on you.