
VA State Senator Proposes Mandatory Rectal Exams Before Viagra Prescriptions

Max1/31/2012 8:59:01 pm PST

Janet Howell is no saint. She ran a very dirty campaign back in November.

Patrick Forrest is running against incumbent Janet Howell. Forrest is a Republican, which everyone knows. He is also gay. Not everyone knows that, but some Democrats in Northern Virginia—including Howell, Forrest says—are trying to educate them.

Forrest says a number of conservatives have told him, “We heard you’re a homosexual.” He has told them he is, and has always been openly gay. As Forrest tells the tale, they have said they learned about it from Democratic volunteers, who also told them Forrest “would be promoting the homosexual agenda in our schools.” Nice.

That somebody is gay-baiting seems beyond dispute. Forrest’s field director, Eric Newland, recorded a conversation with Kavita Imarti, a precinct captain for the Democratic Party in Reston. On the recording, made at a party earlier this month, a seemingly drunk Imarti defends the tactic.

When Newland asks if “it’s okay for the campaign to be telling people” about Forrest’s sexual orientation, Imarti responds: “Yes! Because you guys are racist [expletives]… . You’re racist [expletive-expletives]. You guys are prejudiced against someone because of their sexuality. We are basically pinpointing your prejudice.”